A balcony is self-supporting and a deck is supported by a foundation which especially vulnerable areas where multiple openings and penetrations of the building are susceptible to leakage which may due to inadequate sloping of the balcony, lack of properly installed caulking, and water infiltration due to exposure to the elements over period of time.
Solutions :
- Applied flexible acrylic waterproofing membrane onto surface to seal cracks/holes and bridges cracks with polyester reinforcement overlaid to strengthen.
- P.U grouting method to stop water leakage through concrete joints or cracks.
- Flood Infusion Treatment to let our Winborne Permeate Seal penetrates deep into the substrate and crystallised, providing in-depth sealing and form a gel substance to waterproof barrier and strengthen the substrate. On the other hand, it allows the surface to “breathe”, which allow trapped water to evaporate instead of stagnating and creating further problems. Most of all this method does not require any hacking or removal of existing finishes.
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